Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday December 14, 2018: Final Semester Assignment

  2. Using your notes from Hamlet, create a webpage using the link above
  3. Create the following:
  • Act 1-include a summary and 2 graphics
  • Act 2 include a summary and 2 graphics
  • Word history-your definition, word history, and line from the play where your word occurs, include a picture
  • Speech summary-character, speech, speech line numbers, summary of speech, include a picture

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday December 6th, 2018: Vocabulary Quiz for Act III Hamlet. Act II speech summary.

  1. for Act III Vocabulary-Hamlet
  2. for Act III Quiz
  3. SAT Prep
  4. Finish Summary of Act II speech (google doc)
  5. Google Form for Speech Summary

Speech Choices: 

Polonius: 2.2.93-136--Pick 25 lines "to expostulate what majesty should be"
Hamlet: 2.2.316-334 "I have of late. . . lost all my mirth"
First Player: 2.2.493-544--Pick 25 lines "Anon he finds him"

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday/Tuesday December 3/4, 2018: Act III Vocabulary from Hamlet; Gearup Survey

  1. for Act 3 Vocabulary
  2. Watch Act 2 Scene 2
  3. Gearup Survey @ (during film if you were absent)
  4. Choose an ACT II Speech to summarize
  5. Choose an ACT II Speech to summarize--Copy and paste the speech into your google doc and summarize using bullet points.  A. Polonius (2.2.93-136) B. Hamlet (2.2.316-334) C. First Player (2.2.493-544)