Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday December 14, 2018: Final Semester Assignment

  2. Using your notes from Hamlet, create a webpage using the link above
  3. Create the following:
  • Act 1-include a summary and 2 graphics
  • Act 2 include a summary and 2 graphics
  • Word history-your definition, word history, and line from the play where your word occurs, include a picture
  • Speech summary-character, speech, speech line numbers, summary of speech, include a picture

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday December 6th, 2018: Vocabulary Quiz for Act III Hamlet. Act II speech summary.

  1. for Act III Vocabulary-Hamlet
  2. for Act III Quiz
  3. SAT Prep
  4. Finish Summary of Act II speech (google doc)
  5. Google Form for Speech Summary

Speech Choices: 

Polonius: 2.2.93-136--Pick 25 lines "to expostulate what majesty should be"
Hamlet: 2.2.316-334 "I have of late. . . lost all my mirth"
First Player: 2.2.493-544--Pick 25 lines "Anon he finds him"

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday/Tuesday December 3/4, 2018: Act III Vocabulary from Hamlet; Gearup Survey

  1. for Act 3 Vocabulary
  2. Watch Act 2 Scene 2
  3. Gearup Survey @ (during film if you were absent)
  4. Choose an ACT II Speech to summarize
  5. Choose an ACT II Speech to summarize--Copy and paste the speech into your google doc and summarize using bullet points.  A. Polonius (2.2.93-136) B. Hamlet (2.2.316-334) C. First Player (2.2.493-544)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday/Thursday November 27/29, 2018: Act II--Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

  1. Finish Watching Act II--Focus on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and their role
  2. The Players appear
  3. Consider working on your Canva for your word history project
  4. Quiz at the end of the week on Act II
  5. Pick a Speech from Act II, Polonius to the King, Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, or The Player's Speech on Hecuba
  6. Cut and Paste the Speech into your Google Doc in Act II
  7. Summarize your Speech in your own words, using bullet points. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday/Tuesday November 9-13: Act I and II Vocabulary History

-->Word History Submission Form<--
  1. Pick a Vocabulary word from either Act I or Act II that you like, actually, you might pick 2-3
  2. Add Etymology research to your google doc for Act I and Act II
  3. Find the Line from the play that it occurs and put that in your google doc
  4. Explain what the word means in this context and why this word might have been chosen.
  5. Explain how other definitions might be appropriate for this usage (does the word seem to have multiple meanings within the text)
  6. Create a poster to display your research and be creative--RUBRIC FOR POSTER

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday November 1, 2018: The Ghost and the Murder

  1. for Hamlet Act II vocabulary
  2. Finish Watching Act I and Notes on the ghost (google docs)
  3. Act I, Scene 3 Notes and watching (google docs)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday October 16, 2018: Shakespeare's Imagery

  1. for Hamlet Act I
  2. Open Google Doc and create the graphic on the right----->
  3. Review the state of affairs at the beginning of the Play
  4. Watch Act I, Scene 1 of Film

Friday, October 5, 2018

Monday-Tuesday October 8-9, 2018: Introduction to Shakespeare


Create Accounts at, No Red Ink, &
  1. for Hamlet Act I Vocabulary
  2. Add Characters to Google Doc
  3. Google Drawing inserted in to Google Doc on structure of Shakespearian Drama (The 5 Act Play)

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday-Friday September 24-28: Homecoming week--End of Unit 1

List of Graded Assignments:
  1. Balboa Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  2. William Bradford/Handsome Lake Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  3. Unit 1 Coggle on Bradford, Handsome Lake, and Balboa (
  4. Unit 1 Pre-writing Form--Topic Sentences and supporting details based on your coggle from all three stories (Google Form)
  5. Unit 1 Pre-writing Google doc, shared with teacher (Google Doc)--a topic sentence and three supporting details from each story (you should have copied and pasted your answers from the Pre-writing Google form for this)
  6. In the Pre-writing Google Doc, draft a paragraph based on your topic sentence and supporting details (one paragraph for each story)
  7. Take each drafted paragraph over to, sign-in with your Google account, and copy and paste each paragraph into the grammar checker
  8. Copy and paste your edited paragraphs back into your pre-writing Google Doc (don't erase the original paragraph, just put it underneath and label it as edited)
  9. Write an introduction and conclusion in your Pre-writing Google Doc and repeat the steps with the grammar checker
  10. Create a Final draft Google Doc and share it with me; copy and paste your edited sentences into your final draft
  11. Create a title for your essay
  12. Go to and create a title graphic for your essay and put it into your final draft under your title

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018: Pre-writing for UNIT 1

  1. Create a Coggle and Share with me
  2. Use the example to the right to design your diagram
  3. Fill in the appropriate information
  4. Please feel free to work cooperatively with your table mates
  5. Let's leave take-aways/themes for last
  6. This Diagram should be complete by the end of class on Monday September 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018: Balboa (Short Story) by Sabina Murray

Hispañola--The Dominican Republic

  1. Vocabulary Practice
  2. Notes in Google Doc on Balboa
  3. Be prepared to read in class tomorrow--Bring your own headphones if they have an old (?!??!)  connector on them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018: Finish Coming of Age in Dawnland

  1. Make sure Google docs are shared
  2. Open online textbook
  3. Audio and summarizing
  4. Test on Coming of Age in Dawnland Tuesday Sept. 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday September 4-7, 2018: Coming of Age in the Dawnland

  1. Finish notes from Bradford: Chapter 11 (I will check your google doc for a grade over the weekend)
  2. Add new section (Heading 1) in your google doc: Coming of Age in the Dawnland and make subsections (Heading 2) for the (1)Author, (2) background of the book and overview, and (3) notes
  3. Read Coming of Age in the Dawnland  in the online textbook. 
  4. Take a short note in your google doc on each paragraph from the text. 
  5. Vocabulary Quiz on the Bradford Vocabulary on Wednesday September 5, 2018
  6. Quiz on Coming of Age in the Dawnland on Friday September 7, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday August 31, 2018: Finish Reading Of Plymouth Plantation

Thursday August 30, 2018: No Class, Early Out

  1. Finish Notes for Of Plymouth Plantation
  2. Vocabulary Practice
  3. Listening Activity

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday August 29, 2018: Finish Notes on "Of Plymouth Plantation"

  1. Quiz on Bradford "On Plymouth Plantation" Friday
  2. Finish notes on "Of Plymouth Plantation"
  3. Study vocabulary at Quizlet for vocabulary quiz when you come back friday
Thursday August 30, 2018: Early Out. No 6th-8th period classes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday August 28, 2018: Bradford "Of Plymouth Plantation"

  1. Practice quiz on Quizlet
  2. Google Doc--Bradford: Add 10 main points summary to each Chapter 9-11 on your Google doc
  3. Compare and Contrast Chart on your Google Doc: Compare examples from Bradford and Handsome Lake in a 2 column chart
  4. Quiz on Bradford "Of Plymouth Plantation" tomorrow, Wednesday August 29, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday August 24, 2018: Of Plymouth Plantation and Handsome Lake (summaries)

  1. Finish the Summary (added to Bradford Google Doc) of The Vision of Handsome Lake
  2. Add short summaries to your Ch 9-11 Section of Bradford Google doc.
  3. Other notes and additions to Google Doc.
  4. Take Practice test for "Of Plymouth Plantation" vocabulary on Quizlet

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday/Friday August 23-24, 2018: Account of Handsome Lake; Vocabulary practice

  1. Textbook issue (keep at home)
  2. Short video on Pilgrims
  3. vocabulary practice
  4. Read the Account of Handsome Lake
  5. Add a Summary to your Google Doc of your Reading
  6. Read "Of Plymouth Plantation" in your textbook for Monday August 27, 2018. Pg. 5-18 *SHORT QUIZ ON MONDAY*

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday August 22, 2018: William Bradford "Of Plymouth Plantation"

  1. Finish Adding Bio Information on William Bradford in the appropriate time frame on your google doc.
  2. Create a New Google Doc and Title it: Period last name William Bradford
  3. Copy and paste your Bio information into the new Document
  4. Create Headings for this document
  5. Quizlet for "Of Plymouth Plantation" vocabulary

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday/Tuesday August 20-21, 2018: Finish History Research-Google Docs

  1. Complete your diagram for History of N. America 1400-1700
  2. Add a 2-3 Sentence summary for each Century 
  3. Google Docs (time permitting) 
  4. Download Plain TXT from your Coggle diagram and copy and paste the text into a google doc (title the google doc the same as the coggle)
  5. Create Heading's and Sub-headings in Google doc
  6. Share Google doc with instructor

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday August 17, 2018: History of N. America Coggle

  1. Work with a partner to fill in this diagram
  2. Each person should submit their own work
  3. You should have Student Learning Conversations to communicate the information you each found
  4. Use your partner's information to complete your chart
  5. Make sure YOUR LAST NAME and the PERIOD is in the middle of the diagram
  6. Make sure you have shared this coggle with me

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday August 15, 2018: Club Schedule and Second Half of Gates

Map of the U.S. 1848

  1. Finish Gates test (comprehension) (35 mins)
  2. Thanks for your effort on these tests!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tuesday August 14, 2018: Quizlet and Gates Test

1. Join Quizlet Class
2. Take Vocabulary Portion of Gates test (Socrative)

Both links are in the side bar to the right---->