Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday September 4-7, 2018: Coming of Age in the Dawnland

  1. Finish notes from Bradford: Chapter 11 (I will check your google doc for a grade over the weekend)
  2. Add new section (Heading 1) in your google doc: Coming of Age in the Dawnland and make subsections (Heading 2) for the (1)Author, (2) background of the book and overview, and (3) notes
  3. Read Coming of Age in the Dawnland  in the online textbook. 
  4. Take a short note in your google doc on each paragraph from the text. 
  5. Vocabulary Quiz on the Bradford Vocabulary on Wednesday September 5, 2018
  6. Quiz on Coming of Age in the Dawnland on Friday September 7, 2018

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