Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday-Friday September 24-28: Homecoming week--End of Unit 1

List of Graded Assignments:
  1. Balboa Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  2. William Bradford/Handsome Lake Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  3. Unit 1 Coggle on Bradford, Handsome Lake, and Balboa (Coggle.it)
  4. Unit 1 Pre-writing Form--Topic Sentences and supporting details based on your coggle from all three stories (Google Form)
  5. Unit 1 Pre-writing Google doc, shared with teacher (Google Doc)--a topic sentence and three supporting details from each story (you should have copied and pasted your answers from the Pre-writing Google form for this)
  6. In the Pre-writing Google Doc, draft a paragraph based on your topic sentence and supporting details (one paragraph for each story)
  7. Take each drafted paragraph over to prowritingaid.com, sign-in with your Google account, and copy and paste each paragraph into the grammar checker
  8. Copy and paste your edited paragraphs back into your pre-writing Google Doc (don't erase the original paragraph, just put it underneath and label it as edited)
  9. Write an introduction and conclusion in your Pre-writing Google Doc and repeat the steps with the grammar checker
  10. Create a Final draft Google Doc and share it with me; copy and paste your edited sentences into your final draft
  11. Create a title for your essay
  12. Go to canva.com and create a title graphic for your essay and put it into your final draft under your title

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018: Pre-writing for UNIT 1

  1. Create a Coggle and Share with me
  2. Use the example to the right to design your diagram
  3. Fill in the appropriate information
  4. Please feel free to work cooperatively with your table mates
  5. Let's leave take-aways/themes for last
  6. This Diagram should be complete by the end of class on Monday September 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018: Balboa (Short Story) by Sabina Murray

HispaƱola--The Dominican Republic

  1. Vocabulary Practice Quizlet.live
  2. Notes in Google Doc on Balboa
  3. Be prepared to read in class tomorrow--Bring your own headphones if they have an old (?!??!)  connector on them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018: Finish Coming of Age in Dawnland

  1. Make sure Google docs are shared
  2. Open online textbook
  3. Audio and summarizing
  4. Test on Coming of Age in Dawnland Tuesday Sept. 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday September 4-7, 2018: Coming of Age in the Dawnland

  1. Finish notes from Bradford: Chapter 11 (I will check your google doc for a grade over the weekend)
  2. Add new section (Heading 1) in your google doc: Coming of Age in the Dawnland and make subsections (Heading 2) for the (1)Author, (2) background of the book and overview, and (3) notes
  3. Read Coming of Age in the Dawnland  in the online textbook. 
  4. Take a short note in your google doc on each paragraph from the text. 
  5. Vocabulary Quiz on the Bradford Vocabulary on Wednesday September 5, 2018
  6. Quiz on Coming of Age in the Dawnland on Friday September 7, 2018